Tuesday 27 May 2014


Almost everybody knows that the most important muscle in our body that is vital for life is the heart. Swimming does not only tone the visible muscles like triceps and pectorals but also improves the health of our heart. Being an aerobic exercise swimming helps increase the size of the heart and makes the pumping of the blood more quick ,that results in better flow of blood to our body. Swimming can be very helpful in combating the inflammatory response of our bodies that always in considered one of the main reasons of heart disease. According to some studies conducted by American heart association half an hour of daily swimming in routine can decrease coronary heart disease in women to up to 30%..

In older times people had this misconception in their minds that one cannot lose weight by swimming, as water temperature is lower than our body temperature. Like many other old concepts this one has also been proven wrong and according to the latest research swimming is the biggest calorie burner available nowadays. It works wonders to keep the weight under control .Some experts say that it may vary from person to person, but in general for every 10 minutes of swimming the backstroke will burn 80 calories, the breast stroke can help one burn 60 calories, the freestyle burns up to 100 calories and the butterfly works amazingly and burns up to 150 calories.

Swimming is known to improve the capacity of the lungs, and so can be very helpful in controlling asthma .Exercising in dry surroundings of the gym is very hard for an asthma patient, same is the case with frigid winters, but swimming gives you the chance to work out in a moist place .This helps a lot to control the zwemschool rotterdam symptoms of exercise –induced asthma .Swimming helps control the symptoms of not only one type of the disease, but overall breathing problems are reduced.


There are mainly two types of cholesterol one in known as HDL or good cholesterol and the other as LDL or bad cholesterol. A healthy person should have higher levels of HDL and lower level of LDL in blood, but if there is an imbalance the person cannot be considered healthy. Swimming helps a great deal in balancing these levels. Swimming is a type of aerobic exercise, and aerobic exercises have the power to expand and contract the arteries, thus making them strong. People who swim have a heart as healthy as that of a 30 years younger person.  

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